Part of our vision and mission is to bring transformation to our society through education as a training center for the gospel and discipleship. The vision of the school is to create whole people who bring God’s will to earth as it is done in heaven, therefore transforming hearts, societies, and nations. Our mission is to train children in righteousness to be complete and equipped for every good work. (1 Timothy 3:16-17)
The school is a Principle Approach school that focuses on knowing God through all of the subjects because He is the source or principle of each subject. John Milton stated that the end of learning is… to know God aright, and out of that knowledge to love Him, to imitate Him, to be like Him. We desire our students to truly know God and how He is intimately involved in all areas of life.
At the moment, we are working with our local orphanages and reaching the most unreached children who are most in need of knowing God and feeling His love. Because of the kids’ circumstances, their level of education is very low and at times nonexistent. We meet children where they are to bring them up to their level of learning so they may thrive and be successful as adults.